look out for

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look out for

更新时间:2024-04-30 10:04:27

英 [luk aut fɔ:]

美 [lʊk aʊt fɔr]

look out for基本解释

密切注意; 提防;小心,留神


  • 网络解释

1. 照料,照看:25.have an appetite for 爱好...... | 26.look out for 照料,照看...... | 27.put together 把......放在一起;把......加在一起

2. 警惕;留心:expense n.花费;代价 | look out for 警惕;留心 | on a large scale 大规模地;大范围地


3. 提防:15 make people aware of...使人们了解 | 16 look out for 提防 | 17 keep an eye out for 留心;注意

4. 寻找,照料:74.come to 碰到; | 75.look out for寻找,照料; | 76.refer to指---而言;

  • 临近词
Even when times are tough, we look out for each other.(即使生活很艰难的时候,我们相互照顾。)
You should look out for yourself from now on.(从现在起你应该多为自己着想。)
Keep a look out for new ways to approach life and to have fun.(时刻注意探寻新方法来实现人生价值,并寻找快乐。)
The grandfather has told me to look out for you, and you must not fall over the rocks.(爷爷让我看着你,你千万不要从岩石上掉下去。)
You'll have to look out for that!(你一定要注意!)
Before you start on your tour I'd just like to give you some information about things to look out for as you go.(在你开始旅行之前,我想给你讲一些旅行时的注意事项。)
When crossing the street, look out for cars.(过街时注意车辆。)
Look out for the train.(注意别搭错火车。)
As the human study suggests, another reason for dolphins keeping their eyes open during sleep is that they can look out for predators while asleep.(正如人类研究表明的那样,海豚在睡觉时睁着眼睛的另一个原因是,它们可以在睡觉时留意捕食者。)
Look out for three warning signs of analysis-paralysis.(你应该警惕陷入分析迷局的三个警示信号。)
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